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Sky Isnt Working (arg)

Darth Jello

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did you set the sky to an actual texture, or to a sky shader?


In jk2 you don't set the sky texture. You set the brush to a shader that has the same name as the sky that you want.


You won't see the sky inside radiant. Once the game loads it wil look correct though.

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its still not working, i tried in GTK and it said shader not found, in JK2 it didnt have teh blue boxes


ok, i know youve answered these questions a bilion times but, how do you make it so you see the actual textures in the 3D view and can you make the camera like it operates in GTK? and whats with the green circles?

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how do you make it so you see the actual textures in the 3D view

Textures Menu / Render Quality / Linear


can you make the camera like it operates in GTK?
How does it operate in GTK? Mine operates with normal key commands and right-clicking in different parts of the 3D View, depending on which direction I want it to pan... how is that different?


and whats with the green circles?

Never seen a green circle in Radiant. No idea. :)

EDIT: Oh, unless you mean the green circles around lights? Those are just rough estimations of the range of a light's display distance, though. You'll still need to tweak the LIGHT and INTENSITY values to make it exactly how you want.

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Oh it's kind of like that in JK2Radiant... right-click-hold in the 2D window... if you click and hold just above the center, you'll move forward... if you click and hold further up, you'll move forward faster... if you click and hold just to the left of center, you'll turn left... etc etc etc. Seems about the same.


And try unzipping mapextras.pk3 into base/

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