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Anyone Whose Blue Saber Has Disappeared, Fix W/in!!

Bird Of Prey!

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Has your Blue Saber mysteriously disappeared from your Player setup menu?? Read on, I think I have the fix!


A few days ago I noticed that I no longer had access to my Blue Lightsaber. It now looked green even in Team FFA or CTF matches. After talking to a few helpful folks here, I also realized that I had 2 green sabers in the setup menu. Strange thing was that, when selected, one of green sabers would cast a blue glow on the ground and walls.


After trying different configurations, uninstalling mods, uninstalling the game, cutting and pasting *.cfg files, etc., I still had the same problem.


While going through the *.pk3 files in my "Gamedata\Base" folder, with a fine tooth comb, I noticed one called "Lukesaber.pk3." I checked my available Skins and there was no skin matching this filename.


So I renamed the file to "Lukesaber.bak", rebooted the game, and the problem was fixed.


Hope this helps!!

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