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7 SINS looking for 4 more.


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im a duelist,can hold my own against most.I also like playing tffa,ffa and ctf,in that order.i have 2 roomates and we r LAN'ed up and have started a light hearted clan.Only 7 slots Wraith(me),Sloth(buddy) and Lust(buddys wife)have all been taken.We are looking for 4 more to fill the slots.


Requirments are pretty simple,no long recruiting process or any of that bs.


1.have msn im so we can communicate.

2.no whinning.

3.be a good/great player,not looking for the best,but at least give me a run for my money.

4.refer back to 2.

5.we are all older that 25,and would prefer it if u were too(no offense to our younger jedis)


see thats simple.we cannot run a server,for our LAN/dsl set up is made by rubik's cube and dont think it is possible,so if you can run a server,that would be great,other than that we frequent the high end servers as far as skill and talent goes.


If you do not make the cut sort of speak,we are open in training you as well.


thank you for your interest.


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