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HELP! 1.04 server not being listed (linuxded)

Lord Sokar

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My server is not showing up in the in-game server list! I have changed the name several times, but it isn't working.


The server is a dedicated Linux server. I can find it in ASE, but not in the game. Any ideas?


The server should appear as 'Sokar's JK2 [szg] SaberDamage2'.


The IP is

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same here but i have a win2k server.


I have the server listing utility pathfinder and my server shows up in there though... I looked for your server but i didnt see it.


Now i have ppl joining who say they see it in their list (not the favorites) but i still dont see it. :confused:

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same problem here. only 1 out of 8 of our servers gets listed in the in game list.


I tried duplicating the cfg file from the one that works..but that didn't work.


the servers work if you know the ip and just add them to your favorites list...but it doesn't get listed in the Internet search section.

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Same problems here.... hmmm... although I've had this problem before the patch. But sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. I know if I we're to move hte server to a new IP same config and all, it would work. But I don't want to do that. And I don't know why that works. lol

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maybe this helps as from my experience so far, and to elaborate on Jasco's post...


1.04 clients only see 1.04 servers. Perhaps the inverse also applies; 1.04 servers are only seen by 1.04 clients. Are you trying to find your 1.04 server with a 1.03x or 1.02 client? If so, I'd be willing to bet that you wont see it with the in-game server browser, ever.

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This problem continues this morning.


My client is 1.04, the server is a dedicated Linux server on a static IP address. My client or server version is not the problem. Changing IP's is not possible.


I've tried several versions of the name, some short, some long, some with color, some without. In my startup file, I added '+dedicated 2' per some instructions I found somewhere to make sure it is advertising itself as a dedicated server, but it didn't help.


This one has me stumped, ASE is showing 295 servers now, no more than 50 are showing in the in-game browser.


What in the bloody hell has Raven done now...

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Originally posted by Jasco Smlee

Have you patched your game aswell as your server?


Yes i did. :ball:


I know i read that 1.04 clients can only see 1.04 server but the question is where did i read it... Ah here it is


Originally posted by Kenn Hoekstra @ http://www.shacknews.com/finger/?fid=khoekstra@ravensoft.com


- Once you upgrade to 1.04, only servers running version 1.04

will be visible in your in game browser. There may be a short

period of time where there are few 1.04 servers to play on as

server admins update to the new version.


And why does the servers show up in pathfinder? Hers the url for the utility if you havent seen it



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Originally posted by Jasco Smlee

Is your server sending heartbeats?


Are you running any mod?


Are you sure you are not filtering anything out in your client's game browser eg game names/types?


1. Yes


2. I wasnt at first, then i read the post that Vulcanus works with 1.04 so i just put it back in. (i fugures what the heck, its not showing up anyways).


3. Im pretty sure im not. In my client, at the serverlist, it is set to include both empty and full servers. ive never done anything i know of to filter server out.

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The server is in the exact same configuration that it was for 1.03. the only thing i changed was adding the patches...


Everything was good before the patch (techwise) i had a full server most of the day and i mean from the internet not a lan.


The thing that gets me is why would the server show in pathfinder? it uses just the master server list. I know that for linux servers you have to copy over assets5 but in win2k its already in the base folder from when i patched the game.

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Originally posted by Jasco Smlee

Is your server sending heartbeats?


Are you running any mod?


Are you sure you are not filtering anything out in your client's game browser eg game names/types?


Heartbeats? According to the log, yes.


I am runnning no mods of any type.


I have tried every possible combination of settings in the ingame browser, but there is no change.


The in-game browser shows 104 servers (ironic), ASE reports 312 servers that are 1.04.

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You do indeed show up in ASE, red letters and all.


Sigh... just when I was getting excited about having an RCON that worked (the server was 1.02), I have to deal with this buzz kill.


Looks like our only traffic will be those who use third party utilities to find servers. Come on RAVEN, we need a freaking answer here!


QuietSith posted something that I'm going to give a try, I'll let you know if it works.

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OK, i've got a few ppl joing my server and i asked how they joined and he said


refresh list...then i went down the line for a matrix dojo...with 1.04




D@mn, he just said he uses all seeing eye too.




edit: Now more ppl on the server who say they used the ingame serverlist, and say they didnt use their fav menu... I still dont see it.:confused: :confused: :confused:

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This is not good, not good at all. QuietSith posted this to me in the main forum. I don't know when I'm going to have a chance to implement these changes (going on vacation later today), but maybe you can give it a try and see what it does:


Put this in the server.cfg:


seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"

seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"

seta sv_master4 "clanservers.net"


I believe 1 or 0 is already Raven Master servers, so you don't want to override that.


Also when you run the dedicated server, should be like this:


/jk2ded +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg etc etc etc


Dedicated 2 makes it report to all master servers - I think.


If it's on 1, it'll just report to a LAN.

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Okie doke guys, what in the hell are we going to do about this?


Anyone got a contact or email address for someone that gives a rats ass at Raven?


I could have attracted loads of people in the first 24 hours of the version release, and now that's totally pissed away, now I'M pissed.


BTW, the changes I showed a couple of posts ago have been implemented on my server and have changed nothing.


Is MatrixCPA gone?

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the weird thing is..one of our servers will show up..and there's absolutely no difference between it and the other servers.


but..while all the other servers will show up in Gamespy, that 1 server that shows up in the in game list will not list in gamespy

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Guys, I had this problem yesterday. I noticed it right away after I upgraded my Win2k server to 1.04.


I just changed the port number from 28071 to 28072, restarted the server a couple times and it showed back up in the list.


In fact, people are playing on it right now.


Try changing the port number.



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