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Vid card troubles


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So I just got a "Best Data Arcade FX" GeForce 2 64 meg SDR RAM(I know the GeForce 4 is a lot better but bear with me) and put it in. When I went to play JK2 I got the "Could not run/open the OpenGL subsystem" error. Does anybody know what to do about this one? I checked the game's troubleshooter but it didn't help. I tried d/ling the newest driver from nVIDIA but it's not working. Is it indeed a driver issue? Or is it just that my card is unsupported?

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Originally posted by Nerevar

So I just got a "Best Data Arcade FX" GeForce 2 64 meg SDR RAM(I know the GeForce 4 is a lot better but bear with me) and put it in. When I went to play JK2 I got the "Could not run/open the OpenGL subsystem" error. Does anybody know what to do about this one? I checked the game's troubleshooter but it didn't help. I tried d/ling the newest driver from nVIDIA but it's not working. Is it indeed a driver issue? Or is it just that my card is unsupported?



I am assuming you are on a Win 9x machine and not w2K/xp

If this is the case, this is an issue with all opengl games. Some dip at the nwn forums reminded me of this error and I realized the issue with opengl 1.3 drivers being reported as 1.1 was linked.


The issue. You have installed some type of movie player that has disabled Direct Video Access in order to increase ITS performance. The problem is opengl needs to directly access the video card.


The fix:


Run sysedit or open win.ini in notepad or other text editor.


locate the [Drawdib] section, and under that the line that reads DVA=0 add a semicolon in front of it so it reads




Save the file


Try to run JK2 again.


IF you find you need this line for video playback simply go back in and remove the semi colon when playing movies.


This may be responcible for other opengl errors as well, I reproduced the NWN bug on my 98 system by adding that line to my WIN.INI file and used Gldetect from opengl.org, it not only misreported my opengl version as 1.1.0, but it crashed. Commenting out the line reported my version as 1.3.1 and the aplication did not crash, so....


I do not know if it has any effect on DX games, but if you know anyone hainv trouble, ask them to look and see if the line exists at least. :)

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Originally posted by Nerevar

I knew I forgot to mention something...Actually, I *am* running WinXP. Do you still know of any solutions?



Then it likely lies in your driver installation.


Uninstall the current drivers in add/remove program, reboot then hold F8 during drive detect phase of BIOS scan. Should bring you to OS choice menu, go into safe/VGA mode. Install latest detanators, reboot, try game. If you do NOT remove drivers, yo end up messing them up. The drivers that came with XP used a wrapper for Opengl, which actually used D3D calls and basically SUCKS!


Installing new drivers correctly will get you a TRUE Opengl ICD.

Then, you might try reinstalling the game afterward also.

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About unisntalling from Add/Remove programs, how can I find hardware drivers in there? How do I uninstall them from there if I can't find them? And I d/led the latest driver from nVIDIA and saved the .exe install prog to disk. If I install this in safe mode it should work, right?

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