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Stuck at Cairn Reactor


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Hi all. I'm at the Cairn Reactor (for about a week now). I'm at the part where I hop on the floating ledge until rockets sink it. I hop onto the ledge and gosh, those rockets keep hitting me. How do I get though this? Should I just keep trying to make a dash for it?, or should I try to kill the rocket hurler? I'm stuck here.


My goodness, please help.



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oh damn nm i know where you are. forget the floating thing.
















instead just hop along the track thingins along the wall and the rocket guy will never shoot at you, but there is nothing you can do to stop the guy from shooting your tram if you take it.

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I know exactly where you are, and it's a seriously tough part.


I would try to jump off the platform as soon as it starts moving and gets close enough to the wall for you to jump to one of the wall fixtures. If you wait until the platform drops to jump off, you're going to be really close to the stormtrooper with the rocket launcher and the rockets will pound you.


Jump off as soon as possible, find a solid corner, then bring up your sniper rifle (I can't remember the name) and try to pick off at least one of those rocket troopers, both if possible. If you don't take them out, then even if you keep moving, jumping from fixture to fixture, the missiles will eventually knock you off the fixture or out of the air and send you falling into the pit.


My most important suggestion, though- use lots of quick saves, but also do a full save just before you activate and get on the platform. That way, you're still at the same spot if you accidentally do a quick save just before a rocket nails you.


Be patient! You will make it across, then try to force push or pull the stormie off the platform before he gets to you with another missile.


Good luck!

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