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Idea: Enhanced CTF mod


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I like CTF. It's the only game type that has some organization, and you bascially get to play however you want and still be useful to the team. I like the scoring system too. I also like how I can use guns in CTF and not have anyone complain about it, I'm not really into lightsabers. I feel that the CTF mode that came with the game is incomplete though.


For starters, it should stake a little more effort to capture a flag. Right now, a lone player can activate speed and zoom in and out before anyone knows what's going on.


Another problem is when both teams have eachother's flag and the game turns into a stalemate.


The force powers in CTF should work differently than they do in Duel/Deathmatch. For example, if we can pull guns why can't we pull the flag?


Here are my ideas:


The force config you use should affect your character. If you have level three speed you should be more frail than other characters, but more faster in general. If you have level three seeing you should be more accurate with weapons (maybe to the point where lasers can't be reflected so easily?). When you have level three mind trick you can cloak people around you. When you have level three heal other, teamates around you should heal slowly even if you're not using the power, to balance this the player with heal other will have an aura. A player with level three mind trick should be able to project images of a fake flag. Imagine running back to your base only to see your prize fade away. To balance this, seeing should be able to spot fake flags.


As I said earlier, you should be able to pull the flag. If a guy zooms off with the flag, you would actually have a chance at recovering it. This could also be usefull for the offense. For example: If a flag is surrounded by tripmines you should be able to pull the flag towards you. Pushing or pulling a flag would cost alot more force power than a normal push/pull.


When both teams have the flag, the carrier will have a HUGE bounty on thier head. Killing a flag carrier after both teams posess eachother's flag for a set amount of time would be worth a ridiculous amount of points. Hanging by your team's flag carrier at this time will slowly give you points and the bonus for killing somebody attacking him will be greater.


An individual player shouldn't be so powerful. In front line force (a half-life mod), lone players are only average. When they hang near teamates they get better accuracy and regenerating health. Maybe something like this should be copied? When near a teammate, force powers are stronger and the amount of projectiles a player can block is greater (maybe up to the level it is now). This wouldn't affect certain things. Snipers, for example, need to be conceled and hidden to do thier job propoerly so they won't have any modifiers. It shouldn't be any ridiculous changes, but enough to encourage people to stick together.


Jedi vs Merc servers seem to be catching on, so maybe players should have a choice before they join a game. If you choose to be a jedi, you start with the saber, a bryar, and you get to choose your force powers.


If you choose to be a merc, you start with a few weapons, ammo boxes give you more ammo and you choose your force powers. A jedi would have more force points than a merc.


I find that people who are really good with the saber are great for attacking the enemy and stealing flags, while people who stick with guns tend to be better on defense, where they have the advantage of cover and the element of surprise.


These are just ideas of course.

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Your quite long-winded, buddy :D.

But, I think that would be a great idea, would really improve ctf(it'd be a mod of course)

However, I'd like to add one thing:

Somehow, someway, there should be a way to actually capture a person.

Don't know if anyone likes the idea, but I think it would be cool to actually capture someone(and then place them into a holding cell... :D).


Now, that's a good idea, but(there's always a "but" in every idea, isn't there? :D), it would take an incredible amount of coding.

This would be a huge project, and would require a whole lot of coders/scripters.

Anyway, great idea, I hope t someday see it in-game...





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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