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Ded serv bot cfg sample pls


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This is one time when having a search function on the forums would be really useful and efficient.


That being said, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could post some sample language and instructions for setting up a server that keeps up to X bots running, then drops those bots as players join until, with X players in, no bots are in the game. I'm running w2k, jkii 1.04 & ded serv 1.04. I have a duel configuraiton but 99% of the time I am running an FFA serv.


I really just need the bot config stuff, everything other than that seems to be cool and froody. I have some issues regarding getting the server to be seen in the in-game browser, but then again a lot of people running firewalls seems to be having the same problems (I'm running Smoothwall on an old P200). People can connect by IP, but it doesn't seem to want to show up in the in-game browser. That, however, is something for a whole 'nother thread :D


Thanks much for any help provided on the bot issue. I anyone needs additional information in order to answer the question, please post and I'd be happy to provide it.

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