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Arena Beasts, and other Monsters Possible

Lord Ignasius

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Hello all. I have been working hard, and decided to see if their were any models available that could conform to the minmonster.gla. If you look at the way the minemonster works, you see he bites and walks on 6 legs, or 4, but I think I can create an npc that is an animal. Only problem is that I cant model.


I am about to test my theory, I will report the news when I try it




It worked partially....His gun was in his crotch, but he ran at me and bit me. I was using the JarJar model.....and He still stands up

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using the minmonster.gla though wouldnt then it only be available in sp maps, as to my knoledge mp maps only allow the use of the humanoid.gla.


even though it would make some great skeletal bases for beasts and monsters. one thing i thought was very much so missing in jk2. i woudl have prefered a more organic journey with many alien creature but eh i guess i'll be ok with having every alien race be human except for their head :p


good luck,


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