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BIGGGGG apology.


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Hi everyone. I just really wanted to say sorry to all of the people that were interested in the Jabba the Hut model that i said i was working on. It was all a hoax. It was kind of a drunken bet I had with my friend, but it was also my will to do it, so I cant blame her. I apologize to all of the moderators, kinja, kman, mysticspade, and many others who posted. It was stupid and immature.


In response, there were some really immature responces to what i claimed, most of which came from "Vampire_Hunter D". I dont know what i said to upset him enought to look around the internet for the 45 mins it must have taken him to find all of those pics, but damn!! What a headcase! Even if he had those pics set as favorites it would have taken him like 15 mins to link and post them!! And if he did have them bookmarked?? Whoa.



N E Wayz dont wanna start another flame war so everyone,(except Vamp and his little sidekick) once again, I AM DEEPLY SORRY!!!



Peace and may the force be with theee and thou and what not...




And stuff.....







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