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How do you find leaks in a map


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In gtk, under the file menu, there is a "load pointfile" option. Use that and follow the huge red line to where it leaves your map. ;)


No idea why the next leak option doesn't work.. it's never done anything for me either.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

In gtk, under the file menu, there is a "load pointfile" option. Use that and follow the huge red line to where it leaves your map. ;)


I clicked "File">"Pointfile..." and nothing happened, I intentionally left a leak to see if that worked, eveidentally it doesn't...

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sometimes entities don't find the leaks.. some maps I've done I've found huge gaping leaks but the game was still lighting properly.


Put a light entity in every hall/room and it should uncover them.


Also verify that a pointfile is being generated.. it should apear in the maps directory.

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