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Yet another patch complaint :D


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I just played a sabs ctf game, I always play lightie so I generally rely on Force Absorb a lot.


This is what happened:


With 8 minutes to go, I got the enemy flag, I strolled back to my base (this was on Bespin Pipes btw) happy in the knowledge that nobody could counter my level 3 push and pull defense, I didn't bother with absorb since pull and push are ineffective now.


so with about 7.5 minutes to go, i'm strolling around my base with my SABER OFF and with ABSORB OFF with the entire enemy team trying to kill me.


I just walked casually around the base, the occasional dodge to avoid the obvious kicks and DFA, picking up health here and there. At once point I decided to stay still, 3 members of the enemy team started backswinging, DFA, medium finisher etc, my health never went below 50.


So bascially:


I survived 8 minutes (till the end of the game), with no saber and no absorb, being constantly attacked by the special moves and my health never went below 50.


This just isn't fun anymore...

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