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How do I get the gubernatorial symbol from Herman?


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As soon as you have thrown an object then ask him about his memory! He will slowly recover a little for each item but use your "save" option because if you select a wrong item his memory will be gone and you have to start from the beginning (or your saved game).




Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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ee grannen,


i once was at that part too, but i threw it in the wrong order and i couldn't do it over again!!

and i hadn't had enough saves so i had to start all over again

because te stupig thing didn't work!!!


that was a real shock to me, because i was quite far, if i may say so myself:) please give me a selution to this because i really, really hated it!!

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When I wrote " start from the beginning" I ment ".. to throw items again".

It all started when the coconut fell down. Talk to him and he'll remember something. (If he doesn't then use it a second time) Save because you have a position to reload if it goes wrong later. Talk to him and you'll understand what next item to throw. He'll remember a little more so save again.


It is important that you use all text options at least once.


Use the final item and he´ll tell you a long story.

Talk to him again and have a look at something on the ground.





Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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grannen thnx for the advice but i knew thats what you meant...

thnx anyway..:)


But i threw the coconut, then the milk bottle and then the accordeon (and yes i have been talking to him, everything that could be said or askt, i did.) but he didn't remember a thing....

then i threw the weedchipper :roll2:


but nothing workt

and i have to start the whole game at the beginning!! just because the saves were gone.........:@


but thnx

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