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JKII SP Freezing while loading Bespin levle


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After I rescue Lando from Nar Shaddaa. The level is over, and the movie begins, where lando and kyle are on landos ship. After the movie is over, the game begins to load the first Bespin level.


But at like 25% it freezes, and wont save the game either.

So when I restart JKII SP, the game starts off where I last saved on Nar Shaddaa..


If anyone can help or have any ideas, it would be greatly appreciated.




P.S.- This has never happened with any other levels / games.



System Info.


AMD k6-2 500mhz

96mb sdram

windows 98se

JKII 1.03v patch

voodoo 3, 16mb vid card

60gig hard drive


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