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Serious mod idea from mod veteran.

oddjob: A-Team

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Would anybody out there be interested in working on a Jedi vs. Bountyhunter mod? A TFC style CTF/Team FFA/Team Yalsamari mod. With light and dark Jedi on one side and different classes of bounty hunters on the other, using as many of the great custom models that have been released as we can get permission for, including the ones made by yours truely.


The Jedi team would not need any additional work really. But the bounty hunter team would require new weapons/abilities and a TFC style class system. Things like jet packs for the Fetts, and grappling hooks and the like, with the goal of making the teams as balanced as can be. A rock, papers, sissors type balance where each jedi power has a bounty hunter ability or technology with a comperable ability. Like a special NV like sensor to spot mind tricking Jedi, but no seeing though walls. And the grappling hook to trip/pull Jedi ala the Obi-Wan/Jango Fett fight in Ep II. Not a direct power for tech balance but comperable. Perhaps give the Jedi team the clear advantage with the Force but balance the teams with the number of players on each team. Like say a 2:1 or 2:3 ratio. Hopefully causing the bounty hunter team to HAVE to team up to defeat a Jedi.


Anybody up for this? I can write up a short design doc to help this effort along... If there is some SERIOUS ineterest in this project, I will start asking my modeling peers for permission for their models and, of course, donate my own work as well (Boushh and 4-Lom so far).

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Why not changing it too a type of Jedi Master setting, one jedi against bounty hunters with Jet Packs etc?


Make it more fun :)




Hunter, so u have bounty hunters, and jedi has to escape?

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Originally posted by Subject452

so unoriginal, atleast that my opinion for now.......


Why don't you keep your comments to yourself if you can't say something nice. No **** it's not original. But it would be FUN.


I have made an original mod and I am content to help get a mod like this made if I can. So pound sand Mr Negative.

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Never said it was original. Not really interested in it being original. I have made a fairly big original mod and I am content with that. I just want to play the one I described. That's it. And the only way that is going to happen is if it is made. I don't want to start a team or anything. I just want to see if there is any interest in this idea. Hell, I don't care if my name is attached to it anywhere. I just want to see it done so I can play it.

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well... i reckon its a quality idea..


obviously u lot dont realise who you're talking to.


If you can get this going oddjob it'll be fookin amazin, im guessin...



Maybe it is unoriginal.. but im tellin you it'll be damn good and it'll actually get done too, and well... itll be good. good.



there ya go.



Long live the a-team! w00t



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Of course it is!!

It's wonderfully Star Wars!

A perfect idea... yes, even one that I think most of us have thought of, but no one has done. Hence, this Thread.


I cannot help you currently (I'm a musician that already does too much work without pay :nut: ) though I have begun some modeling and map making studies... so who knows where that'll lead.

Best of luck getting it going, I hope someone with the abilities takes you on.





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I just have a sever aversion to team colors. I HATE them. That'w why my idea is more character based. With the models I have already done, and the rest that are out there they could be authentic versions of themselves rather than bad recolorings. And I would rather see Jedi vs. Bounty Hunters in a fight personally.


In case you don't make it over to the modeling forum, here's some examples of my work in case anybody out there would like to perhaps give this mod a try:




And my in-progress work:



But you guys over at Jedi Fortress have some good ideas too. Best of luck.


But if you are interested in dropping what you are doing and taking up my idea feel free. ;) Heh...

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