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1.04....kinda. Raven: TRY THIS


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This is my post pertainning to another's about SP to MP saber combat:


I don't want the reader to take this in an offensive manner, I'm just attempting to make conversation here so bear with me :D :


I wish, probably as much as you do, that if only there were another player on the other computer that would think the way I do, you know?


Well (and this is just my perspective), the trouble with the inconsistencies of SP to MP battles is usually that of the non-linear thinking of a human being, as opposed to AI. In some aspects, making SP battles more like MP takes another living person just as interested in making the battle look cool, as seeing you dead :) , which is what I think raven had in mind when making the AI for SP. Unfortunately (and I am occasionally guilty of this as well), other people can be so enveloped in winning and either lose sight, or never had the relative aspect of the saber experience as you do. However, adding stuff is definitely a good step in the right direction. Giving people even more options as they had before may make it more interesting (but some people can also find it too difficult to memorize all of these controls and figure "the hell with it"!). I think I posted the following idea on another thread, but let me share it with you:


Everyone has problems in a game, but raven only patches some people's problems, boxing themselves in an ever closing "no-win scenario" (sorry to go trekkie on you there:) ). I think it's Raven's method of patching that almost seems to contribute to the escalating problem. First off, they release a game to establish a basis, a system that will inevitably have it's flaws. As time goes on, patches are release to add to the experience. Please note the word add in the previous sentence.


Add is something quite contrary to the patches thus far for Outcast. Instead they have been taking things out which were included in the original version of the game. No, no, no. Instead of pissing people off by removing things (yes, it will piss of SOMEBODY, which will come back and haunt the people that got their way the previous time when raven patches it again, fixing the other people's problems), ADD things. Build upon the basis they have established, including more moves, more stances, more counters and blocks and so on. NOTE to the raven reader: I know it's a lot of work but COME ON guys, you're getting paid, and I still think you really have something good going here, END NOTE.


I know what the skeptical ones are saying by now: "Yes, that's another way of looking at it but it will still have its problems." Well I say, "Yeah, but at the rate raven is going what have they got to lose?"


Anyhow, this is getting up there in length so I will stop here. I would like to hear your thoughts on it, these are just my thoughts and I would appreciate some feedback. Good mostly :D , but negative is always a contributer to improvement, or a wider horizon in this case.

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heh, i couldn't agree more... Why on earth did they just put in 5(Blue special,Yellow,Red,Backstab and backsweep) special moves?

How hard could it be to put in 5 more or even 10 more?

And then we get some dumb exscuse like

" It's Hard coming up with special moves" For crying out loud guys, u get paid for this!!! It's your job!

More options in sabre fights would r0x...

I hear ya BlueDaze...

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I figure that if people didn't complain or went out and exploit every single damn move in the game. Raven would be adding things by now. Face it you simply can't give people good things and trust them to show control and moderation for the sake of the game. People are jerks and as 1.03 would do the most outragous things to win. IE: Run backwards in blue holding down fire.

Hopefully nothing will be too exploited in 1.04 and Raven can finally stop taking out stuff and put stuff in

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That's mine and Bluedaze's job.


I guess you could join, the good fight, though if you would like...



-Merc out


Sorry just had to do that.


[The feet shift, as a wry grin cracks upon my face.]


-Rosco: The Prince Of Space

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