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Bespin Undercity and no Reborn!


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I am at the top of the airshaft, up where the Reborn should be, but he isnt there!

No video clip, which I believe there should be.. but I just get up there and walk around on the catwalk.. cant get into the door either. locked.. tried blowing it up, tried shooting around, looking for triggers or something, but to no avail..


I am patched to the 1.04, so it could be a new problem with the patch, since I have searched here, and even tried searching in google for the newsgroups and webpages..


Have I found a new problem?

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Try typing in the [shift] + ~ key, and type "noclip" without the quotes right before you get to that scene. My game did the exact same thing and this is the only way I could get past that part. Once you go through the door, just turn it off by typing "noclip" again. Hope this helps.

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