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Please Tell Me how I could do this


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I have an idea for a mod. The idea is a probe droid, or some other droid for multiplayer, with high shields, and good weaponry, controlled remotley by a user's datapad.

If anyone can help me, please do.




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I think it could be done


I'm not exactly sure how, and I don't feel like trying (i'm mod-making for SOFII currently), but i'm pretty sure its possible.


It would need a the creation of an entity at fire time, probably with the type ET_MOVER or ET_GENERAL ( i think thats what it is, but i'm not sure all the difference between the types are). With the entity, you would set takeDamage to true, and the set the health, and make sure to have pain, and death functions for it. It would probably be easiest just to make a current weapon fire that, like have the rocket launcher shoot those instead of rockets.


As for controlling it, that would be the hard part. Code3Arena has a tutorial for rockets that follow your mouse, so i'm guessing it would be that same concept.


The easiest firing method would be just to have it search for nearby players, and shoot at them automatically, which could be done with the trap_EntitiesInBox (or whatever its called) function.

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