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Got bored at home today and built this:


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Well, I've been working round and round on all sorts of all different models. Got most of them done. I was working on Pliskin

for Darth_Kitty but I've finished fitting Pliskin around the skeleton

so now I just have to wait for mcowart to finish weighting it to the

skeleton. Anyway, I got bored today so I came up with an idea

for a complete JK2weapons to Farscape weapons conversion.

The first weapon I've built for it is a PeaceKeeper Pulse Rifle. Here's the pic:




I've also finished making the saberhilt conversion of Ka'DArgo's

qualta blade but I'm not releasing the picture until I've finshed

making the second version of it where it can be turned into

another pulse gun.


Here's the rest of the ideas I have to change the weapons:


Lightsaber=Qualta Blade


Bryar Blaster Pistol=PeaceKeeperPulsePistol




DispruptorRifle=probably either the Qualta Blade gun version or

maybe the PeaceKeeperPulseRifle


WookieBowcaster=Haven't thought of weapon replacement yet.


ImperialHeavyRepeater=probably the Qualta Blade gun version.


I've also got an idea to change the ground sentry turret things

into drd's.

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I'm getting tired of using 'bump' to keep my threads up on page

1. Well, here's a little poem instead:




Here I sit,

Same as ever,

Take a dump,

Pull the lever,

The toilet clogged,

The water flowed,

Look out world,

It's a mother-load.



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Okay, I just finished designing the models for the Qualta Blade

and the version to where it can be turned into a plasma rifle.

The one on the left side of the image is the gun version.




Once I've finished making the rest of the models, I'll have DarkVash unwrap them and hopefully have HapSlash skin them

for me.

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DarkVash is going to unwrap them so they can be skinned.

Hopefully if I can I would prefer to have HapSlash skin them instead of having me skin them. He an excellent expert on skinning, especially when it comes to Farscape.


I haven't skinned any of these yet. I just got finished making the

actual models themselves. They will be skinned so don't worry. ;)

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I've never even heard of the mod. :confused:


Ummm... this is not gonna end up like another

Boba Fett/Jodo Cast incident is it? :confused:


Anyway, I'm not the author of it. I didn't make it. I have no clue

who this other D is. It would appear that the world is obviously

quite a small place. Lucko you have just ran into one of my clones

on the internet. I wouldn't worry about it. Besides a lot of people

use the name VampireHunterD. Also notice on the web page you

showed me that this author is named Vampire_Hunter_D. My name is VampireHunterD. I don't use underscore dash's in my



Hope this cleared up all of the confusion man.

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