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ffa/duel map "palace" released


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2 weeks ago i released some early screenshots of this map. now it's finally done. I just submitted this map so i think it will takes a while until you can download it.

Its a part of a single player project im working on and its located in a secret palace deep into a jungle. Its the first map i release so i hope you like it.


here you can find some screenshots.


enjoy !



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hm, im still waiting for feedbacks...


and: this map is a part of a single player project... so gimme your opinions about if u like the architecture style etc, so i can make the changes in the sp maps.

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Oh yeah I like the map :) Many beautiful curves and stuff....


Though it is as if there needs to be more smaller room....having the name of the map in thought....such as palace throne room and hangar...etc.


There is this red curtain on the top floor.....any future plans about this? Is it ment to be a door in the future?


But I like the map, and it will be played....by me :D

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as is said this is just a part of a single player project. the sp map will be a little bit different and there will be much more rooms (also a hangar, etc ;) ).


the red door will be a door to another part of the palace and also the grey door "will be a door".

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Cool.....also....why not release that as an FFA map also??


FFApalace2.0 ?? Since I rarely play custom SP games....


But I play alot of FFA....against bots also...(yeah...a fetish)


That would really be cool! But I really looking forward to your release of the future Palace map(s) :D


Keep it up, and if ya have anything new to announce, just tell in this thread, I'll be watching it :)

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the reason why i didnt yet release the other rooms is because theyre not yet done/finished. but i think there will be something like a Palace 2.0.


is there any1 else reading this thread or is this a private thread of

Hanch and me ? ;)

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Bah....the common youth these days is slow....but they are watcjing...I know they are...


And to the part that don't feel they can call themselves in the youth-part, well....you know old people tend to sleep much :p :p


EDIT: And btw, 82 hits in this thread....well...have you been looking in here 41 times?? :)

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some infos about the sp project:


locations: jungle, palace in the jungle, coruscant-like city, iceplanet with ancient ruins, underwater station and a facility in some canyon.


u will be a padawan from the jedi academy. the plot will start after dessan found the valley of the jedi. i want to include at least one defence mission and there will be also some battles between reborns, stormtroopers, atst and jedis, rebels. one idea is, that the player isnt alone in some parts of the game. he will fight with a jedi master, but im not yet sure about this.


ive no idea when all maps will be done - so dont ask =)

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phz, looks good =)


Just a question... on one of the pics u can se some grass that sticks up from the ground...my english isnt that good so I cant remember its name.....can u tell me where to find it?? it would fit great into the map Im making!


Keep the good work up!

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sprichst du deutsch ? ;)


yes sure i can help...

when you load the yavin texture set, chose the texture grasspatchy2 for the ground. then the grass you saw in my map will be there automatically - its magic ;)

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Originally posted by phZ

hum.. not yet available on jediknightii.net


you can already get the map from massassi.net or jedioutcastmaps.com



of course its not available yet from jkii.net they never f*cking update their **** what do they have like 100 maps? doesn't jedioutcastmaps.com have almost 300? hrmmm and they have screenshots what an idea..

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