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My Story (+ Ans To BS Prob)


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This post details my experience with JK2:JO...


After deciding to buy JK2 instead of Dungeon Siege (Money Constraints), I customized my controls and settings, and proceeded to play through the single player missions. I was impressed with it (My 1st Quake 3 powered game), yet kinda disappointed... Until I got the lightsaber:laughing: Never before had I experienced anything so satisfyingly elegant and fluid in a FPS. As I played more, I kept catching myself doing different moves and manuvers. After completing the game, (Padawan) I went online and discovered just how deep the saber system was. It was the coolest thing ever, I had to pull some of these bad-ass moves on people online.


Online was fun; Very fun. For every person I killed, I died about 2 times. Yeah, it was a blast.:D Sure, there was, like, 1 person on every server who was a "DFA fag," but they eventually got bored of spamming and left. But, as they say, "Monkey see, monkey do," and everyone got in on the DFA craze. It totally pissed me off. Saber fighting was no longer elegant, no longer strategical, no longer fun. It was no longer a Star Wars game, but instead, Quake 3 Arena with a lightsaber. I liked it when two players on a duel server would fight using different moves, adding some force to the mix.


Everyone on that server had one thing in mind: make it look good


Now, all you see are people trying to chase each other backwards, flailing thier sabers around like madmen, hoping to trigger that all-powerfull backwards attack. One-hit kill... you'd be stupid not to use it, right?: swoosh... dead. Only thing is, watching this go on everywhere, all the time, is repetitious/boring. Repetitious/boring=waste of time. So, I stopped playing online for a long time (3 weeks), whereupon I discovered that a couple of my friends purchased the game. So, my friend set up a private server, and now we all have a friggin blast playing JK2:JO v1.03! Forget the public servers! If one of us decides to test some spamtastic new combo, we're all cool with it, as long as he doesn't spam it too much. If he does, then we tell him he's being a gay-assed mofo, and he stops, cause we all know each other, and we all know where each other lives (LOL).


The very simple solution to everyone's "Backsweep Spam" is to play on a private server with nice, wholesome, non-spamming people. Public servers allow ALL KINDS of players in, ranging from us noble (nerdy?) jedi knights to the aforementioned "Whatever gives me the most kills" Quake mentality players. It's all a matter of selecting who you play with.


PS: There's nothing wrong with the Quake deathmatch mentality, just keep it in Quake, OK?

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