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PA Seeking Allies


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My PA The Secret Order, is looking for a few hardline imperial's and possibly some neutraly aligned PA to allie, let me explain.


Any Imperial PA that agree with our sense of ethics and out view to a greater or lesser degree we would like to allie our selves with, a military and/or diplomatic arrangment.


And now for buisness partners

these are where you neutral folk come in, we will most likely throguh the game like to use your services what ever they may be.

eg Boubty hunter arms maker ect.

there is a few stipulations of course you cant have ANY known buisness dealing with the Rebels and to a lesser degree Crime rings.


so if your intreasted for either one drop me a line here or if you dont want other people to know about it we can keep you a invisable Allie.


Col. Wraith von Izzen SFC

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