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I havent seen your previous threads,

but i take it your stuck on nar_shadda starpad?

To get the fuel tanks pumping, go examine the ones next to the "lady luck"

Lando should, or should have said about getting the fuel pumped in.


To find the fuel tanks, exit the hangar and proceed to your right. You can't

miss the large fuel reservoir; it's the cylindrical tank with all the piping

that heads into the hanger walls.

Enter the codes on the panels by pressing "use" next to them.

(the red code is a small gray stop sign; the blue code is a yellow x)


that should help. :D

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its like those tank fuel are not active

dont see antghing ihn it and it dosent do any thing when i press on it and yes he toldd me to get the fuel into the ship well.. what to do its not working those big tank just not activ i think cuse when i press E its not do anything! at all any help how can i make it to activeate this

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I think i had the same problem the first time i did the game,

You Have to examine the tanks in the starbay place.


I think thats the way to do it anyway, if not, find the 2 grates in the

starpad and unlock the hangar doors.

If your still having problems, re-start the level.


btw, your not using the /noclip cheat are you?

it would explain why its not working, as a required trigger might

not have been activated, but nm. just try the above :D

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