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Recommended EU material????


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I recently made a trip to the bookstore to pick up some Star Wars books and was overwhelmed by the number that were available. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good EU reading and if there are any books that should be avoided. Thanks.

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Darth Maniac, I thought the coloring book was too advanced for your intelligence level. Maybe there is a picture book with no words that may suit you better.


BTW, thanks to the others who actually had something valid to say.

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LOL - Seriously now - Shadows of the Empire was good!!!! Also the Han Solo trilogy is interesting as it provides a backstory to the first film.


The best books though were the Heir to the Empire trilogy.


The Force.net has loads on EU material and will help you.


To be honest the problem is the later EU books bear no resemblance to Star Wars as I know it. The early ones are OK though.


P.S - I got the Jar Jar thing from a post on the Force.net message boards called 'Is my Jar Jar colouring book canon' - I am serious.

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