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A few questions that are bugging me


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Ok, I have a few problems. First off I want to make a door (I dont know how to get this working so any help on this would help out a lot). Second, I made the door and textured it but the texture that I choose is either too big and only part of it appears or is too small and I see more than one door on the model (depending on which one I choose). I tried to set the bitmap to fit but I get the message "This only works when one face is selected, not a whole brush." Thirdly, I am having some sky troubles. I place my level in a big box and put some maps on it of a nice background (dont remember the names of them). Two of the 4 sides are pure black, the other two look perfect. I dont know how to fix this and it is really bugging me. I will put up a screenshot as soon as I figure out what button to press to take a screenshot (:p ). Fourth, I have two NPC spawn locations for Reborns and everytime I get within range they each spawn twice. Now I will admit that fighting 4 reborns at a time is fun, but it looks weird to see 2 reborns appear out of nowhere. How do I stop the spawn locations from doing this? It does the same thing on another level I made (this time it had stormtroopers and reborns and all of them spawned 2 NPCs each time). Help! :confused:

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Well Hero, let's see if I can help.

#1 - apply the texture for the door only to the two faces (inside and outside of door). apply another to the edges if needed. Also I can't recommend Rich Diesal's site enough. A great help. especially with your door.

#2 - as far as sky goes, don't select the brushes that look like sky but rather the brush with the white border labeled as sky (example: bespin). Note that it will not look right in the editor but will turn out right once you compile.

The spawn's, unfortunately, will have to wait as I haven't yet done that here (But I'll check back to see the answer:) )


P.S. It doesn't say which editor you are using, but I would recomend GTKRadient 1.2.8 which is JKII compatible. Rich recomends JKRadient but the commands and uses for both are identical. I simple found GTK less buggy...

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Attempting to do the door tutorial from that guy's website. Only problem is the entity window is huge. I cant see half of it, resizing it wont work. I'm in 800x600 and dont know how to fix this. Also, I really need answers to my other questions if anybody can give them.

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to select only one side of the brush, crt + shift click it in the 3d view off to the upper right of the screen. If the entity list gets in your way just click on the top part of radient (to select the window) and press "n" that makes the entity list go away.


As for making a door, when its selected, right click it in the 2d view, and goto the func menu and the select func_door. To set which way it opens, use the entity window, and click one of the directional numbers on the bottom left. All that is covered at Rich Diesal's tutorial, which is extremely good.

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