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Favourite Fighter in X-wing Alliance?

Guest Crackercho

Which is your favourite fighter?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favourite fighter?

    • A-Wing
    • B-Wing
    • X-Wing
    • Y-Wing
    • TIE Fighter
    • TIE Interceptor
    • TIE Advanced
    • TIE Defender ( It's awesome )

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oh, then u just target the turbolasers on the sd, and take them out, only need to do that on the side you'll be attacking. that way, the sd will have a 'blind spot'. and u can match speed w/the sd, and hold down the trigger for a long time until the sd blows. :D i learned the blind spot thing in the tiecorps

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Ok, i believe you guys now, coz i did it, and didn't even get hit! All you have to do is take out two turbolaser batteries near the back, then it can't touch you.

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This was taken from XWAU fourms... Posted be K_K...


Okay now here is a fun thing. Tactic created by Force-Flow. And refined by Gremlin

How to destroy a Large Capital ship with one TIE/Fighter


Bugging a ship like a gnat.

a.k.a: The Force-Run


This tactic utilizes the Trench-Run-Defense (TRD) so effectivly used in the Battles of Yavin and Endor. When using this tactic you never need to dodge or jink. The

best thing to do so you will not get hit is to never give a turret a Zero-defection shot. Never attack a capital ship from the top or side, it is suicide . the

Capital ships in XWA are made to have Hellish broad sides. Anything closer that .5km is crusing for a bruising.


Basic Run-thru for the Force-Run:


1. At about 5 km, the Ship will start attacking you with inaccurate Flak from its Turbo-lasers. As long as you do not give the ship a zero deflection shot, and keep

your speeds above 85 MGLTs you will not have a problem.

2. Aim your craft about 1/2 or 1 Ship length in front of the Ship. And also Aim either Above or below so that you will start with an AoA of about 30-50 degrees.

3. As you come to the front of the craft, turn to face it, and line up to a stucture near the rear of the ship (Shield Generators, Bridge, Blister, or weapon Hardpoint.

4. The longer you starfing run. The better your attack was. A good run in a TIE/fighter should be able to take out 33% of one of the Shield generators. But don't get

too greedy.

5. As you close to about .3km of the structure, move the joystick to the left/right and down. Continue this motion until you craft rotate 90 degrees. Then Continue

the Pitch up and try to line up with the nose of the craft. this will be your referance point for the Extend.

6. Straighten up, and fly along the same flight path as you begun the attack. make sure you rotate you craft to your aligmnet is the same as the craft.

7. once you have extended about 1.1 km reapeat the same motion as you left the attack. remember the longer the strafe, the better your attack.

8. Repeat as neccsary, until the ship goes boom, then get the heck out of the blast.


Note: Be aware when the craft turns. It will ususally do 2 45 degree turns to the side when ever it reaches it "way-Point". If you see this happening try to shorten

your attacks so that you stay in the "safe-area directly above he craft.


Have fun...my record is 1 VSDII in 8 minutes in a TIE/F


There use to be pics with this but they most have gotten lost, i have put word into K_K to see if he still has them!!!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Interesting. No Wraith 5, I didn't know about that technique. I never visited the XWA.net forums, unfortunately.


Yes I like XWA, but I never play multiplayer outside of tournaments, and I make only one run through the ToDs. I mostly play in skirmish against veteran +. I'm naturally gifted at XWA, it's not really practicing for me :D


Anyway, the Force Run looks like it just exploits a nice loophole in the destroyer's AI. In the real Star Wars it wouldn't happen, so I'll never rely on it, I'd consider it cheating.


But thanks for showing us. I'll certainly prohibit that technique once I prepare GB.com's second Championship, since it'll be fleet engagements :)

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Sherack I agree i know it is only there because of a problem with the AI...


But i don't think you should ban it!!!


Think of it this way....


ISD, VDS, and SSD were all very bad againest star fighters, they have what the books call TRD or trench run disease.


This was something that only a starfighter could do. It would involve getting really close to the SD and shotting at it where its torbolasers couldn't reach you.


This little bug is like that, you fight in this one flight path and you don't get shot. It may be a bug but it is a bug that matchs something in the movies/books, so please let people try it.


P.S. You really don't have to worry about it being to powerful, because it really only works when there are no enemy starfighters around, that flight plan really turns you into a sitting duck for anyother ship around...

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Yeah, no reason to ban it sherack, with fighters for support, it is virtually useless.


BTW, i think that our next XWA thing should be a "Battle Royal" of sorts. Or you could have 2 fleets and we could have teams, each player controling half a squadron of whatever. If we had six players, each team could have 2 squadrons (half of one being totally AI controlled), 2 capitol ships, and a couple of support ships. It wouldn't be much of a tournament, but it sure would be really fun.

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Or you could have 2 fleets and we could have teams, each player controling half a squadron of whatever.

It's kinda what I wanted to do, but each player would get to command its own 6-ship squadron (I always consider a squadron to be 6 ships, not twelve). Planning a strategy before the battle will be the most important aspect of the game. But I don't want to unveil more details right now :)
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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

It's kinda what I wanted to do, but each player would get to command its own 6-ship squadron (I always consider a squadron to be 6 ships, not twelve). Planning a strategy before the battle will be the most important aspect of the game. But I don't want to unveil more details right now :)


But is it gonna be a team thing, or 1 player and his AI verse another player and his AI?

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