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Help please. I am trying to use this jedimod and onyl a few things seem to work for me. The features i can not get to work is \thedestroyer which i have mod_dualblade set to 1, and i can not get to lightsabers. One in each hand. And i have mod_dualsaber set to 1. Anyone know what i am doing wrong?

Also what is this extended blade stuff. I have bound it to the key N and whenever i press it nothing happens. Please someone help me. Thanx!

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First, you need your saber down in order activate either the double or dual sabers. In order to use any of the binds in the game you can either type them in console (shift ~) as they are:









To bind any of the above in console to a key, just leave out the /:

bind s sit

bind n nod

bind q twosaber


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