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r_showtris 1


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Is there some secret trick to getting this stupid thing to work?


I had an older system with a geforce, and showtris never worked. I just assumed it was a driver or hardware issue, and as I wasn't trying to optimise any maps it didn't bother me anyways so I let it sit.


So I got a more recent system, again with a geforce, and it's the same deal.. r_showtris isn't doing anything for me.


So obviously there's some configuration or driver issue somewhere. The latest detonator drivers don't help. Is there some in-game setting I need to change, or something in the display control panel to modify?


Trying to optimise a map without showtris is quite a headache.. I can sort of accomplish the same effect by locking the PVS but that gets tedius.

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well r_showtris is a cheat protected command so you have to have sv_pure set to zero for it to work under mp.


That's not my problem anyways, as r_showtris doesn't work under q3a either, and that game doesn't differentiate between sp and mp maps.


It's gotta be some engine variable I have set improperly, or some preference on the display driver that needs changed.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

well r_showtris is a cheat protected command so you have to have sv_pure set to zero for it to work under mp.


That's not my problem anyways, as r_showtris doesn't work under q3a either, and that game doesn't differentiate between sp and mp maps.


It's gotta be some engine variable I have set improperly, or some preference on the display driver that needs changed.


You did try it in SP tho? And you did type r_showtris 1 and not just r_showtris?

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

You did try it in SP tho? And you did type r_showtris 1 and not just r_showtris?


I did just try it, just got home from work. ;)


and yes that fixed it, showtris worked under the sp binary. Didn't think it would but hey what do I know.


why doesn't it work under mp, and does that mean I'm supposed to be bug testing maps under the sp client?

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okay, nevermind.. I had it in my head that sv_pure 0 was the same as /developer 1.


I figured since the game was letting me type r_showtris 1 while sv_pure was 0, it meant showtris would do something. :p



Sure would be nice if all those manuals would state that using /developer was required to use r_showtris.. grr.

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