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Join the Sith!

El DiabloGT

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Hi all, I am starting a new clan, and am lookin for some members of all types, noobs or vets, it dont matter, its all about fun. The clan will be called Sith, but not just "Sith" per say. See, it all depends on your skill, which will in turn determine your rank. tags will look like so -{S*}- (the * denotes your rank). Say you are a noob that joins for fun and to get better, your rank would be N00b, so your tag would be -{SN}-, if you are average you would be an Apprentice, if you are good/great you would have the tag of Sith Master, and, if you are so dang good and i see it fit, you shall join me in the coveted rank of Sith Leader/Lord (-{SL}-). Anyone interested respond/email me at Epyon15@hotmail.com, AIM at ElDiabloGT03!!! For more clan info get in touch with me personally.

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