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finding dessan


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I can't find dessan! in the academy he jumped into this hole under some stairs, so I jumped after him, but now I seem te be stuck there, I destroyed the stones blocking the exit of this room and I've been in the rooms that lay beyond there but it's a dead end :mad: the roof did start to tremble when I walked under it in one room but after a while this stopped and now I'm stuck :( help please?

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euh after the falling stones go up there there is somesort T-split go left thats a fake wall then there is fire use push to hold away it for few secs walk further there are 3 dessans the midle is a taunt the right is a fake wall with a trap go left u see a wall of fire there is a pipe somewhere destroy water comes out and walk further push all buttens with force push then there is one other butten but dnt know where is (i forgot lol) then if u did that stones traying to crush you avoid the stoneswalk further and u are by dessan there are 2 thing in the wall pull them out on and a beam wil come out of the thing go over it and u get some sort of forcefield and defeat dessan and watch to the last cutcene :)

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