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Loads of Unpure Client Disconnects :(


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I have been getting loads of unpure client detect server rejects recently. I am not sure what is going on. I am running the server in pure mode and I have uploaded lots of the more popular skins to the server. BTW It is a linux 1.04 dedicated server running on Gentoo Linux. I made sure assets5.pk3 was copied over to the server.


As a test I uninstalled the jk2 from my gaming machine and I deleted all skins. I reinstalled and patched the game. Not installing any skins on my machine. I tried to connect to my server and I got a server reject message. I check the server sure enough unpure client detected. This is a fully puchased game. Not warez and I am not using any NOCD cracks.


To test further I installed all of my skins where my server expects them. /GameData/base. Now I can connect with no errors. WTF????


Are the skins on the server bad? Are they what are causing all of these disconnects?


Here is the IP of my server. Try to connect and tell my if you get disconnects please..




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I feel for you man, I'm having the same problems lately. :(


It started when I installed the great Jedimod, but is continuing even after pulling it(gonna try a complete reinstall next).

It even does it to players who were already connected just fine,got disconnected for some reason and they try to reconnect and the game won't let them back on.(REALLY SUCKS:mad: )


I'm also having the problem of the game kicking people for no reason. I'll see someone connecting and all of a sudden it says they were kicked! And of course people are thinking I'm doing it to them, then they get pissed and don't come back.


I'm at a loss at how to fix this other than to try the reinstall.




If someone knows what's wrong and can tell us how to fix this, it would be GREATLY appreciated. Here's my specs, if you want my configs just let me know:


Version 1.03


Linksys bsrf41 router in DMZ mode

1gig AMD

512 RAM


If I've forgotten anything, just tell me.

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Hey Blackfire. I have been doing testing and I removed the mod from the server. I was running fanmod.....


I deleted the mod from the /GameData/base folder on ther server and now I am no longer getting all of the disconnects. Me thinks pure server does not like to be used with a mod......


I have loads of players online today. Users who could not get on before.......

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Thanks for responding.:)


I went ahead and reinstalled today, even cleaned my registry, but no help.:(


I really like these mods, but I really don't want to set unpure cause then people can cheat.

What version are you running BTW, I'm still running 1.03 at the moment cause a lot of my players are. Just curious if it's a version thing?


Thanks for sharing your info!:cool:

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