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Covenant Elite

PIo Koon

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Im glad you could figure it out, it looks great! hehe this is going to be better than yoda! did you see the site I posted for taunts? and if so which one are you going to use? If you need anymore refrence stuff just give a hollar and ill be ready. Also my covent plasma Sowrd is almost done ill try to post some pictures soon although im going to have trouble getting it in-game dues to animations restrictions.

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*huff puff*



4 hours of modeling

head done!

un opted


body tomorrow

yes yes

then armor..feet..all done tomorrow

oh oh book read must read book for shcool

yes yes

but will finish model! night tonight..tired..hands falling off


asleep agentJ goes asleep



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Invisible Elites are blue elites...


and Maroon and Purple ARE the Spec Op elites. The Word and The Will. With the Platinum Armoring.



As for the model.. nice... But his jaw(s) is too Charlton Heston/Kirk Douglas... Can you make it more narrow and smaller heigthwise? Remember everything comes to a smooth slope when his jaws are closed... (For the GOLD ELITES, the ones with the swept back three/five point heads, which are the coolest heads IMO, and the one you seem to be modeling) (and yes, I understand you are working under duress and the restraints of the polycount restrictions :cool: ) Your jaw seems taken from the "fin" head Elites.. the three or Five "point" headed Gold Elites have a narrow jaw.


The other heads are the "fin" heads (last pic) and the "spear" heads (shown in the pic with the red elite neck shot and the two blues putting the double team smackdown on the flood)
















In any case, I'll be the first to download it..

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What I mean was make the BOTTOM of the jaw smaller and narrower. Suck it in.... and as for the front of the face it should be SMOOTH, no gap, on the gold elite (pointy head) You have a gap on top, like the fin heads have.. the pointy heads don't.. It's like it's one piece until they speak. (like the top picture link)

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ok...take my WIP..and edit the pic...cuz i have no clue what ur talking about lol..the mouth IS one piece on the model


im not trying to make u feel stupid or anything but i have no clue really what ur talking about heh



Agent..need some screenies man =OP








3 elite head pics with body

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....wow....all i gotta say is...


every Halo fan that plays this game is going to have a heart attack.....


Agent just sent me his version of what he has so far...and well....


u guys are in for a REAL big surprise...im still in shock..my gawd its ****ing awesome!!!!!!!



AND i bet its not going to break 2000 polies!!!...it will be around 1500 polies i bet

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i don't think so..im pretty sure not


but Matt..he sent me the file and i edited his jaw and eye area...and it looks more like him now


he also has the upper body and lower torso...and it looks ****ing awesome!!!!!!!!!!...get in #JediKnight




hmm...the jediknight chat seemed to die...it took me out of the chat and when i refreshed the page it got some error..so i pressed go back and cliked chat and the same thing...hmm

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It's like this:


Fin head:




***eyes /

****** /


******* \



--------- /


Which is what you have.



Spike Head: (Gold)



******** \

**eyes*** \






I wasn't saying that the mouth is a solid piece.. It's his eye/browline. There's no forehead protrusion on a Gold Elite. The spike heads also have smaller jaws, not so blocky, like the difference between a T-Rex and a "Raptor".


Why don't you guys release both of them together? I would love to see both.


Agent... umm well... It's not an Elite from the game... but it's damn cool... scrunch the jaw in, and make his face thinner.. and your damn close.

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