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Covenant Elite

PIo Koon

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i told u it was ****ing sweet didn't i?



and yes it is the Covenant from the game...once thers a skin ull see it...if u saw the Elite without a skin it would look very similar


also...me and Agent are working on something....>=O)


but were not going to say a word about it...we might drop hints but we are planning on doing something awesome for everyone ;)

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hey i helped to!!..lol j/k...i did edit a few things but im giving full credit to Agent on that..he did a damn good job..OCH did help a lil bit to though =O)(i forgot what though lol)


also if u guys stil want to see my version ill finish it up, but looking at his...mine won't be released..im almost literally drooling over it


although...i could make mine into a low poly Elite...o well..just say what u want



also were planning on doing mouth open and closed for both heads


we are throwing 3 pointed head out the window cuz 4 point and 3 point are to alike...so Round head and 4 point we will be making...so at the moment 4 different models

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Darth......thats what i said..........lol


4 tip 3 tip and round head


for grunts...round tip and pointy tip


hunter...there all bad asses =OD


jackals...who cares lol


and this model should be done farly soon..don't worry gues

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i mena if nothing just use the link on JKii.net like u did before

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