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SAIK HUATS ROYAL GUARD nearly complete


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im not trying to put down the guy making one


but quamosity is making lots of saber at the moment and he has a pic of the force pike saber he made





is that what you mean, he is making and updating his jedi mod package so you could play jedi mod and be royal guard with pike thingy



just trying to help

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Originally posted by MaxiNeo

w00t... Hey, are you still going to use my shaders. or is kman going to make some better ones. :D


The version i submitted to jkii.net has your shaders but hasnt been uploaded onto the site yet, I think kman does want to make new shaders tho...


About the force pike: My guy doing the force pike just vanashed :confused:

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I haven't vanished... Just some personal stuff I had to get through... My force pike is finished, all but the skin... Still trying to work on that... It looks a little different from quamosity's pike, cause we prolly used different reference pics... I'll post a screen shot of mine, if you want a comparison... And if KMan's doing the skin, the guard should look pretty sweet... Wasn't he on "Team Yoda"...?





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yeah he was on team yoda, and also staff for polycount.com which im sure you know about. I am very lucky to have him help me :D


I would love some screens on your works, as soon as kman is done the final release will be ready! I want your force pike to be there ready as well :D If you want someone like me or kman to skin your model just ask, it wont hurt.

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Well, the model's all done, except for the skin... I couldn't get the animated lightning to work, cause I could only make animated .gifs, and the game just bypassed them(guessing it doesn't read .gifs)... I'll check on the other lightning effects people have done...





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I decided to do team colors on this awesome model... I wasnt asked or anything... I was just bored, so I thought I would do this... So If you like it, or if you want to use them SAIK HUAT just ask me and I will send the pk3 to you...


You have to copy and paste the links into your address bar to see the pics...


Normal (which I didnt edit)







Since It would be stupid to have 2 red guards, I made the red team color a little different as you can see in the pic....


WELL tell me what you think...

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Hmmm - why couldn't the red skin just be the same as the default?


In some other models I've used (can't remember which game) where the default skin is red, the red team skin has just been exactly the same as the default. I think that would be good for this model.


Ideal for this model would be to have the red team skins like the original royal guard, and the blue ones like the chancellor's guards from Ep1. However, since they're different models, I don't think that would work.

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Agreed - I think a variety of skins would be good for this model. Just that if I'm playing on a red team, I would want a red model rather than a green one.


However, it would be great to have other skins to use at other times, just not in CTF/CTY/Team FFA, etc.


If you are going to do more skinning of this model, you should try to check out the Crimson Empire comic series (published, like all modern SW comics, by Dark Horse), which is all about the royal guards. Some very cool stuff in there. From memory, it shows a few different 'looks' for guard-like characters; might be good for a few ideas. I'll go and have a look through it again this weekend, maybe post some pics.

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I like the different colors you brought out in the model, they look cool. You can publish your skins on Jediknightii.net if you like but you must explain that they are not the official team colors the model will be using for final release as kman has all rights on all the skins already ;) You can just put a mirror in this thread if you like MaxiNeo :D

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I go to work for a few hours, and when I get back, there's all these posts! Neat-o! Anyway, I updated the page that I linked to earlier with a new pic of the beta version of the Royal Guard holding my pike... As for the animated blade for it, still no luck... But(!), I'm gonna download all the lightning sabers I can find and see if one looks good, and ask the creator of said saber if I(we) can use it...





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Aside from the simple fact that I don't know how to make shaders and don't feel like trying to learn, the reason I am continuing to work on it is I want lightning(or something similar) to swirl around the 'shaft' of it... I've never actually seen one used in the movies(and have never seen one of the comics, etc.), so I don't really know what it would look like while it's being used... Lightning is just the way I envision it... If a shader can make it look like lightning, I'd try it... I'm gettin' kinda desperate now... lol





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Okay, I've got a neat little lightning effect on it... It looks like it's pulsating around the tip; the cool thing is, when you activate the saber, the little ring of lightning slides up the shaft...! lol


Anyway, being the musician I am, I'm pretty good at audio editing... You guys want me to go all out and make neat, new humming noises for it...? Just a thought I had...


*edit*Okay, I went and did it anyway... I made new, mechanical sounding sound clips for the pike... It's not the traditional light saber hum because this isn't the traditional light saber! All the sounds are wicked sounding...


Blah, enough about that... If anyone has a good reference pic of the one Kir Kanos was holding on that comic book cover, I'll give it a try next, after I get this whole Milkshape thing straightened out...*end edit*





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