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Segmentation faults - Please help!!


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Ok, so I been doing this for a short while and I think I know my way around FreeBSD a little. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for JK2 but here's my issue and hopefully someone can help.


I had been running my server for a few months prior to the 1.03 & 1.04 updates. Server ran without issue at all for months, then.....SEGMENTATION FAULT! Yeah, I know what your asking, what changes did I make to the config file.....or.....what files did I modify....or.....did I make any changes to anything.....and the answer to all three is NO! I changed nothing, modifed nothing, and altered nothing. I updated to 1.04 but the error continues. I can start the server fine...it sends a heartbeat to the lucas servers without a problem....to test, I join the server, start to move around a bit, then BOOM....locks up....I get out of the server to check my telnet connection and see what happened, (running screen), and it says SEGMENTATION FAULT!. I have all the correct *.pak files uploaded, (assets0, assets1, assets2, assets5.pak), and I even RE-UPLOADED em to see if that caused the problem and BOOM......still the same problem.


Lastly, I started up an RTCW server with the latest patches just to see if it was my server, and the RTCW server ran without any issues at all.


I also started up a CS server to see if that would run and again...no problems. It is apparent to me that the problem is JK2 but what is it?


Can anyone help? This is driving me crazy and has been happening for the past month. I cannot start the server without it crashing as soon as I join it....and it crashes with the same error...SEGMENTATION FAULT!!



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I'm having the same problem under slackware linux. 1.03 was fine, but since we upgraded to 1.04, it crashes several times a day. It crashes so often, I had to setup a script that would restart it.


Any insight into this would be helpful.

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I have 3 servers, all running FreeBSD 4.6

On one server, I was not able to get JK2 to work...had to give up.


On the 2 other servers they run quite stable, 7 duel 4player servers on each physical server.


Please make sure you have all .pk3 files in your jk2/base-dir:


-rw-r--r-- 534984353 assets0.pk3

-rw-r--r-- 86950705 assets1.pk3

-rw-r--r-- 3764210 assets2.pk3

-rw-r--r-- 550829 assets5.pk3

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