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three questions for advanced mappers


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I'll be concise = )


1. How do you disable the flashing on models? (so the model does not blink, light-up ect.)


2. How do I make it rain in only a certain part of my map, and how do I make a trigger that will make it stop raining?


3. What is the trigger that will spawn entities/ammo/npc's when you enter it?


Much appreciated.

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1) I didn't know models flashed. :) If you just mean little flashing parts of models, you would need to edit the model's shaders to stop them from blinking. :p


2) It will only rain in the parts of your map where the Outside brushes are... don't put outside brushes and there will be no rain. :)


3) trigger_once! SP only of course. :)

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OK, thanks.


But I guess I was not specific enough.


Where are the shaders for the models located?



And about the rain: What do you mean "outside brushes" --how would the program determine what brushes are "outside?"



And yes, models do flash. Take a look at the podbod.md3 file ingame--that is just ostentatious. ;P

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Originally posted by Karshaddii

Where are the shaders for the models located?


shaders/models.shader in the base directory is a good place to look. :p


And about the rain: What do you mean "outside brushes" --how would the program determine what brushes are "outside?"


There is an actual texture you set on the brush that sets it as "outside". It's a lot like creating water in the game. Try textures/system/outside.

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