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bad number CM_inlinemodel


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Have you used CSG subtract? I made that mistake on my first map and regretted it for the rest of the development. Probably 1 out of every 4 compiles resulted in giving me that error when I tried to launch the map. It usually happened when I put in elevators, made a new doorway, breakable glass etc to name a few. Unfortuantely, no one has any easy solution for this problem. Even if you didn't use CSG subtract, I suggest you go back a few versions of your map (provided you renamed them as you progressed in development) and find a version that worked, and start mapping from there again. I hope this helps.



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Great, I'm glad you got it to work. But I suggest that in the future, when you open your map (one you know that works) click on File/open and make a new save for your map with a new name like for example if it was called city, then call it city1 and so on. Good luck with your map!



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