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lighting effects


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q3 engine doesn't support flickering (or in your case, strobe) lights.


I think there's a way to cheat and get much the same effect but I've always been annoyed by maps with flickering lights so I never looked into it.

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Q3 doesn't support flickering lights?????


What about adding the key "style" and then make the value:











1 and 6 are both flickers--and ten is sorta a fluorescent flicker.



For a strobe make the value 4 for a fast strobe, and 9 for a slow strobe.


Try that and see if you like 'em.

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What he's talking is about is this:


First create a light entity.

Second, while the light entity is selected, push "n" and in the 'Key' field type: Style. In the 'value' field, type a number: "











1 and 6 are both flickers--and ten is sorta a fluorescent flicker.



For a strobe make the value 4 for a fast strobe, and 9 for a slow strobe."


When you compile the map and run it in the game, you will see the effect depending on which number you selected. I hope this helps.



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Yeah....but...didn't I just say that???


I'm conphused... = (



And try it Xzzy! ITS FUN!!!




Actually the real reason for the stupidity of this post is that it is my last post as Bantha Fodder!!! I have now reached 50 posts...yay...ok...i'lll shut-up.

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Originally posted by Locke101

I was just wondering if there is a way to make a strob light type of a effect and is it possible to hvae it where when some one pushes a button, the map song changes?


i would really like to know :)


Q3 engine may not have supported this.. (Don't really know)


But JK2 does. Both MP and SP support it. You forget Xzzy that Raven modified nearly 90% of the the Q3 code.


Just add the style key to a light entity. and assign it a value. See http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com for a reference on all the style codes.


And if you still don't believe that it does Xzzy, please check out my Rave House map which uses strobe lights extensively.

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