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You might be a LOSER when...You have to fill your CTF server with bots.

Bird Of Prey!

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The other night my me, my cousin, and my wife were online searching for JKII servers to join. We came across a CTF server with a decent amount of players, a good ping, Max force powers, and the ability to join either team.


We all logon and notice that there are 6 players on the Blue team and 3 on the Red. The Blue Team is in the lead 12 to 1. We join the Red Team and after a few minutes of gameplay, I notice that all but one of the player names look very familiar. All of the players, except the host and us were bots. The host was on the Blue Team.


Now, I'm certain that almost everyone here has thrown a bot, or two, into the game to make it interesting and to attract other players to the server. However, I think 10 bots is a little excessive. This guy was playing with himself, LOL, and we soon found out why.


We started evening out the score when the host adds 3 more bots to the Blue side. The new bots had to be set at Jedi Master Level because they were damn good. We kept at it and were finally able to take the lead. All of the sudden we noticed that our Force powers were not working as well as they should've. I jumped into spectator mode to check my Force Config and noticed that the Max Force Level had been changed from Jedi Master to Jedi Knight. So the three of us reconfigured our Force settings and we were still able to stay in the lead. We were 5 points ahead of the blue team when the host restarted the current map and put two more bots on the Blue team.


This pissed us off so we started voting his bot out one by one. He tried to replace them but we were able to vote them out faster than he could replace them. Finally we tried to vote him off and the server disconnected. We all thought what a loser and we knew why no one else even tried to join while we were playing.


I wish I could remember the Server name or IP Address.

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Chances are that, unless all 3 of you disconnected at the same time, Mr. Bot Game discovered the /rcon clientkick command. But anyway....


That's pretty pathetic, even for a padawan to the game like he seems to be. Oh no, I'm losing! Add more bots!


Tch, some people... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

Chances are that, unless all 3 of you disconnected at the same time, Mr. Bot Game discovered the /rcon clientkick command. But anyway....


That's pretty pathetic, even for a padawan to the game like he seems to be. Oh no, I'm losing! Add more bots!


Tch, some people... :rolleyes:


All 3 of our machines received the "JKII Screen of Death" (The red server disconnected message) at the same time.


Weird thing is that my cousin and I have tried kicking each other off of our own servers before and the Host was never able to be kicked off. I think this guy just got mad and pulled the plug.


Anyway, I hate people who have to win by cheats, and tricks, not skill. :spikehair:

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BS [JHQ], I agree that an outsider is a guest on a server but a host should be a "host." If you start a server, and want others to join you, you're responsibility is to keep it fair. This person was obviously a mediocre player who could only win by force and numbers. I'd rather play a server with Cheats Enabled, at least then you know what you're getting into.

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