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Question on making different BG music


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make sure they are sampled at 44 mghz, and mono, not stereo. Then in radiant bring up the entity window by clicking the n key. Scroll down the upper window to "worldspawn" and enter the

key: music

value: path/to/my/music/file


this has to be packed with the map as well

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value: musis/mymap/mymusicfile.mp3



where mymap is the name of your map and mymusicfile.mp3 is the name of the music file you recorded


its a good idea to set up your directory like the directory you see in the pk3 files. As you work on projects it will help you maintain the system and be easy when adding your own custom stuff and paking the file for distribution.

For example when i installed the tools i put a "map" folder in my base folder. Inside that is a folder for each map i make, and the name of the folder is the name of the map, and within that folder are all the other appropriate folder e.g. maps,scripts,sounds,music or whatever you need.

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