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CTF strategies??


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Anyone got a link to some good CTF Strategies? Or maybe you can just tell me some?


I usually play either NF Duel or occasionally Saber-Only Force-Enabled CTF... But lately I've tried to branch into Full Weapons Force-Enabled CTF... and having one hell of a time trying to be successful.


Using the light-saber is no problem. Saber vs Saber, I can take on most people w/o too much trouble. And my aim-with guns is just fine. This is all fine and dandy if the only point to CTF was to kill people... but the real point is to cap the flag, of course.


So, I'm usually pretty defensive. I like to play Defense in these types of games. But I'm having a hard time trying to defend against people. I have no real problem trying to kill people when they want to fight... but most people (who grab the flag) just run the hell away... using Force Speed, or using that shield barrier, etc.


That's fine, its a legit strategy. But is there a decent counter? I can't seem to stop enough of the attackers in CTF. If I go to chase down the guy with the flag, chances are there are 1 or 2 of his buddies just chillin' on our flag-podium, waiting for me to kill the guy with the flag, so they can re-take it, and run to base.


I can only stop so many people. I can set up those trip mines, or those det packs, or grab a rocket launcher, etc... but eventually I run out of ammo, and there isn't much I can do. Force powers are pretty much worthless with the exception of Speed, since 90% of people on offense use Force Absorb.


So the problem, in short, is:


If I stay at base and try to kill invaders, someone runs past our defenses with Speed and takes the flag.


If I go to chase the person with the flag, more invaders come and sit on our podium, waiting to re-take the flag.


And during this whole time I need to have plenty of ammo, so I have to go around base and get ammo for the better weapons... like the Rocket Launcher and the Repeater... which leaves everything undefended again. *sigh*


Hints? Tips? Strategies? I'm not a complete newb to JK2... I know how to use all the weapons, force powers, and items... I just can't seem to win in CTF though.




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Here you go.

Its also gonna be posted on the new commuinity site which is coming soon.



How to Not Suck at CTF

By [WD]Dragon



This document ©2002 Ryan Moore. This FAQ may not be used or distributed for

commercial use. It may not be distributed at all without written permission

from the author(that's me). Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and the Jedi Knight

2: Jedi Outcast Logo are ©2002 LucasArts Entertainment. All Star Wars

stuff ©Lucasfilm. This guide must be displayed in its entirety. No pieces

of it may be removed and/or copied to another location for public display.



-Version history

(1.0) - 09/07/02 - Wrote this piece of crap.




0 - Introduction to guns and CTF.


1 - Guns, and how to use them.


2 - Capture the Flag.

2.1 - The 5 man team.


Note: This guide is writting with the JK2++ mod in mind.

http://dev.wdonline.com for more information.


Hey, you there!

So I hear you wanna try some CTF, eh? Think you've

got what it takes? CTF, to many, is the ultimate form

of competition. Your team of elites versus theirs, in

a vicious duel to the death. Full Force CTF is not for

the feint of heart.


Anyway, I'm going to attempt to make you a better player.

I'll teach youhow to become a better gunner, and the basics of

the 5 man team. Enjoy!



(1.0) Guns, and how to use them.


If you intend on playing CTF in competition, you had better know

how to use a gun. If you don't, read on, I will show you how.


Stormtrooper Rifle

Damage: Medium

Speed: Fast



Generally considered to be a last resort weapon, it is very capable

indeed. While primary fire is somewhat useless, secondary fire can

tear up targets very quickly. The bolts are not instantaneous, so

you will have to compensate and lead your target accordingly, but

this weapon can kill with efficiency, and everyone needs to be able

to use this. Beware of saberists, as you will be on the recieving end

of your own shots.


The good: Fast and highly damaging when you know how to use it.


The bad: Primary fire sucks, you need to lead the target considerably.



The Disruptor

Damage: High

Speed: Slow



Very high damage and slow speed make this a

very 'rail-gun-like' weapon. It is capable of

taking down an enemy in as little as two shots.

Secondary fire turns it into a powerful sniper rifle,

easily disintigrating enemies. You really need to be careful

with this, as a miss could prove fatal. A risky weapon

to use, but in this case, the risk is worth the reward.

Remeber, do not shoot where your target is. Instead,

shoot where you think your enemy will be in half a second,

as anyone with half a brain will move out of the way.


The good: Very powerful.


The bad: Slow, and difficult to hit a moving target.



The Bowcaster

Damage: Low to high

Speed: Medium to slow



Clumsy and slow, the bowcaster is a horrible weapon..

Until you learn to use it! In order to do any significant

damage, you need to charge it up. It does quite a bit

of damage this way. All you need to do, is charge it,

and get as close to your opponent as you can. Secondary

fire seems accurate, but its firing speed is too slow to warrant use,

when I want massivly damaging single-shot goodness, I use the disruptor.

Do NOT use against saaberists.


The good: Good damage when you charge it up.


The bad: Too slow.



The Heavy Repeater

Damage: Medium

Speed: Medium to Fast



A very powerful weapon indeed.

Every gunner needs to know this gun inside and out.

Secondary fire shoots a blue ball of death at your opponent.

It doesn't travel very fast, so you need to anticipate

where you enemy is going to be, and then shoot. You also

need to compensate for the arc of the ball as it drops.

Keep in mind that splash damage can kill an enemy as well.

Primary fire is extremely fast, but incredibly inaccurate,

so it doesn't get used that much, except when the enemy is

out of range of your secondary.


The good: Damaging as well as fast.


The bad: Primary fire is inaccurate.



The Golan

Damage: High

Speed: Medium



Even more powerful than the repeater, is the golan.

Primary fire isn't bad. It's shotgun-like firing

can do some damage if you're close enough.

However, they spread rather quickly, and do

little damage when you hit someone from 50 feet.

The secondary fire is what makes this gun so

powerful. It shoots little balls that will explode

upon contact with an enemy, or explode after a few

seconds on rolling on the ground. These are very powerful!

Like the repeater, you need to anticipate your opponent's

movements, and compensate for the drop.

You can do a variety of things with this, including

shooting ahead of your opponent and letting the

balls blow up as he passes, to banking them off

of the wall. The possibilities are endless!


The good: Damage!


The bad: You need to be careful so you don't blow yourself up.



Rocket Launcher

Damage: High

Speed: Medium


Yup, this is the same rocket launcher you've been playing

with since your old Quake 1 days. It shoots rockets that

blow things up. There isn't much to this weapon, though

the rockets do take some time to travel through the air.

Keep this in mind, and shoot where you think your enemy

will move. Hold down secondary fire while targeting an enemy

and you can shoot a seeker!


The good: Damage, seeker missles, splash damage.


The bad: Not a lot of ammo upon pickup.



NOTE: The repeater, golan and rocket launcher can all

have their shots pushed right back at you, so watch out.




Explosives (Mines, Det Packs)

Damage: High

Speed: Special



They blow stuff up.

Mines can be set to go off in a few seconds or when

people pass through the trip wire. Det packs are

set, and blow up when you press secondary fire.

There are many things you can do with these, but

you are going to have to find out for yourself.


Happy gunning!



(2.0) Capture the Flag


I'm going to assume two things. One, you know

how to use a gun, and two, you know what your

objectives are. That said, we will now move on

to the basics of the 5 man team in CTF.


(2.1) The Five Man Team


The 5 man team is currently the default in

JK2 CTF. Generally, you're going to have

2 playing defense, 2 playing offense, and

1 playing midfield or 'sweeper.' However,

if you want to have 3 offense and no mid,

or 1 offense and 2 mid, that is entirely up

to you. The information here will not

be specific to any player arrangements.


The Defense:

The defense's job is to, well, defend the

flag. You want to have each entrace to your base

covered, and the flag mined. You should be warned

by your midfield whenever someone gets by them.

You need to be constantly aware, and ready to

blow stuff up at a moment's notice. This means you

need to heave full health, shields, and ammo at all times.

If someone escapes with the flag, inform the midfield

that the flag is incoming, get your ass in gear

and chase him down! In the event of a flag stand-off,

the defense will stay back with the flag, and the

midfielder/offense will move up to retrieve.

Remeber, commuinication is key! If your

midfield knows where the enemy is headed, he can



The Midfield:

The midfield's job is very important. As the midfield,

you want to keep the middle area of the map clear for

when the offense comes back with the flag, and intercept

the enemy carriers. Also, you'll want to stock up on

ammo before you head out. If your opponent also has a midfielder,

kill him! If you control the middle, it will be easier

for your offense to attack, and it gives you defensive

depth. He who controls the middle, also controls the map.

Also, the midfielder can be used to support the defense

or offense, if things get rough.


The offense:

As the offense, you need to be fast. Not just

fast, but really, really, really fast. You want

people to look and say, "Damn, that guy is fast!"

You don't need any weapons, because you're trying

to avoid the enemy, but you may need some just

in case you run into them. You need to know the maps

extremely well. You need to know which routes are fast,

and which are faster. You need to know exactly where to

jump, hop, or turn on speed. The offense must be precise,

and strike like lightning. In and out in a flash.

You will need to know how to bunny-hop to gain speed,

bunny-hop while using speed, bunny-hop while using speed

and dark rage, and bunny-hop while using speed, dark rage and

roofing at the same time. Turn on seeing before you enter

the enemy base to see what lies ahead of you. Grab that

flag, radio to your midfield to clear the way, and get your

ass out of there.


Teamwork and Commuinication:

If you cannot work as a team, you aren't going to win.

You need to know what your teammate is thinking. You need

to know what he will do in every situation, before he does it.

Likewise, knows your thinking and strategy. Also, commuinication

is key to survival. Tell your teammates what is going on at all

times. Tell them when someone takes the flag, where they are going,

when you're attacking, whether you need help or not etc..

Use a voice chat program to help, and if you can't, make some

chat binds. Learn to coordinate your attacks! Without

commuinication, you're going to lose.




Well, I sincerly hope that I have taught you something.

If you take away but one thing from this guide, I would be

satisfied. Don't be afraid to sign your team up for the ladder!

Feel free to e-mail me any questions you might have.





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Well, you probably realize by now that force speed is ver important for any way you are going to play CTF (as a defender or capturer). I always keep it maxxed. For defense, when someone caps the flag with speed up you just hit speed and chase them down swinging your saber at their backs or shooting a gun. If they turn and use push, chances are they are going to only be able to push twice before being out of force and not recovering any since they used speed. If you have speed and absorb up when they try to push you back- they are most likely going to end up dead, since you will have more force to hit speed again, or pull them back when their speed wears off. Light side force powers really shine in CTF in my opinion with absorb and mind trick being very useful in defense or in capping.


Some players use dark rage and speed, hopping around like madmen- just push or pull them off ledges or, if a player who uses this combo AND constantly kills themselves to respawn with full force immediately, have a teamate who is using dark force powers max drain to dry up their force tank.


If you are used to NF duels, you need to get better aquainted with force powers in CTF- they are the bread and butter of good CTF players. Conserving force is also a very important strat, if someone is capping you and a force push or pull is met with the absorb glow, then stop refilling their force bar and get your teamates to stop doing it as well. I play light side force ALOT and opposite teams that spam force push or pull on me as I jet off with the flag just ensure my safe return with their flag.


Since subsequent patches have really brought down saber power in CTF guns are really key. On some maps, ask your teamates to try to control ammo spawning (like rockets :p) or take that responsibility on yourself. There is nothing more satisfying than strafing an enemy flag carrier with endless rockets because you have 20-30 to dump on them. Sabers are still ok though, force speed and blue stance saber at an opponents back has returned the flag for me many a time. One last tip- get good at kick :).

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When I play CTF, I run the flag. (I play as Striker w/Tavion skin.)

Force Speed and Force Jump are my bread a butter. I use the heavy repeater going to the flag as the secondary fire is excellent for erasing the mines left at the flag and I use the saber running away with the flag--for the obvious reasons.


For the most part, I am very good at my job--I ususally place first and my team usually wins.


But when I get my ass handed to me on a platter, it is because I am playing against a team that is working together. This is to say that if you are defending the flag, you cannot do it alone. You need several teammates right there at the flag with you, you need at least one teammate at each entrance/exit, and you need a buttload of teammates in the middle. Teamwork is the only way--you cannot possibly catch a good flag runner all by yourself. (Well, you can, of course, but you know what I'm saying.)


As for the Force Speed, drop a shield, and run tactic--a tactic I use myself--your best chance to catch me is to not try to go through it. By the time you knock it down, I am at my flag drinking a beer. Go around it--even if you have to take a different corridor--or get back to your base, hope that your boys in the middle can get me, and prepare for our next wave of offense.


So really, the key to CTF is teamwork. Know your position and stick to it. One game I played with this guy--can't remember his name--but he was the best flag guard I ever worked with. I mean, this guy never, ever left his post and he never let the other team even get a look at our flag. Took his job real serious too. He would not let emotion get the best of him by chasing any one player outside his self-assigned "spot." We were outnumbered pretty badly that game but we won. I wish I could remember his name, he was pretty friggin' good.

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That guide needs an ammendment. At one point you say


NOTE: The repeater, golan and rocket launcher can all

have their shots pushed right back at you, so watch out.



In actual fact, all weapon fire can be pushed back, this is especially useful against the charged bryar and repeater shots, which will causes significant damage against the enemy.


Also you say 2nd fire of a bowcaster is pretty useful, the main use of it is to get past saber defense, just aim at the wall behind the enemy and fire, the shot will reflect and hopefully hit the enemy.


and please don't tell people to bunny-hop, the less people that know about this game-winning move the better :D

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I haven't read any posts. I'm lazy :p But here are my thoughts:


basejk just sucks for CTF. Saber is weak, the ammo is scarse (sp?) and light-siders have the advantage.


1. The best advice I can give is know the map. Know the short-cuts, know routes, know what your enemy is doing. The latter can be done, esp. since you like defense, with sight. Max it out, and use it. It will let you know when enemies are coming. With that knowledge, you have a better chance at stopping the flag runner.


2. Know your weapons, and become a master with them. My all time favorite is the Golan Arms. The heavy repeater is on every map. Get it know it.


3. If on defense on Bespin or Warring Factions, have grip. DO NOT be afraid of using either push/pull/grip, no matter what people say. If you're on d, your job is to protect the flag. Use whatever you have in your possession to do that. If it means killing yourself in the process, do it. CTF is a team-based game. Only what advances the team's score matters.


4. Communicate with your team. It is essential.


5. In basejk, forget about the saber. It's weak and useless. Always have a gun, and use it well.


6. If someone's using absorb, blow 'em to hell before they can get close to you, in fact, do that to anyone :p

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

and please don't tell people to bunny-hop, the less people that know about this game-winning move the better :D


Bunny-hopping is a neccessity. It increases your speed, which in every CTF game, is important.

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One thing I forgot to mention.


If you are chasing a flag runner and s/he does not try to return fire on you after getting the flag, but rather keeps running like a chicken with its head cut off back to his/her base, keep on his/her ass at all costs as that is a pretty good indication that said flag runner is a rookie. It is almost like they are so happy to have the flag they forget all other aspects of the game. I have even seen some flag runners refrain from engaging the enemy flag carrier running right past them, lest they die trying to retrieve their flag.


It seems that a large number of flag runners are skilled at getting to the enemy flag and bringing it back to their base but are completely worthless on the offensive and defensive fronts. Said players are terribly easy to kill as they will Force Speed away with minimal evasion techniques, leaving you are free to shoot--with any gun of your choice--the back of their head. It's kinda sad, really.


But if you see a flag runner who will actually put his/her return to the base on hold just to whip out a lightsaber to deal with you, well, watch out! That just might be a mofo to reckon with. In such situations, it might be a good idea to bind a team chat to "Uh, guys! I got a bad ass mofo right here with whom I have no friggin' chance of reckoning. HELP!"

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im a runner in my clan im full offensive im light i max out absorb and mindtrick (note when u get expert mindtrick isnt has powerful cause they know about seeing but u can catch them sometimes) i have full defend saber and 1 saber offence just how it is works great also dointricks off walls does sometimes screw chasers up .... another trick i doo is when im running with detonators or c4 packs i drop themwhile running then click them to goo off about 3 secs after i drop them maybe sooner usualy gets the straglers behind me off me.

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