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Don't see any servers...


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I just got the 1.04 patch to work, but now when I go to join a server, it won't show any... I know I've got it set up right, I've turned off my firewall and everything... When I click on Get New List, or even Refresh List, it just sits there... The little data transfer light on my cable modem doesn't even blink... Any ideas...? Is it a prob with 1.04...? Anybody else have this prob...?





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OK, get this- I have the same problem, only it just started! I have been running v1.04 for five days now, no problems, now all of a sudden all I get after hitting "get new list" is 5 servers at best, all with dreadful ping times. Any ideas? Is there a server down somewhere?

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Actually, it ended up being my own idiocy. I just built a new system, and I didn't hardcode the IP, instead using DHCP on the router assign it. Forgot all my JKO ports were forwarded to the old machine's ip. Thanks though :)

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Probably might have been master servers down.. I had noticed that a while back around when you posted this. When they are down then you can not get list at all. doing so will erase all your servers..


Also the problem with servers only showing a few and bad pings is because Raven is having issues with their master servers not listing 1.04 servers as 1.04. The new 1.04 patch filters all servers and only shows 1.04 servers. If raven's masters worked correctly you should see at least 300 or so. But right now about 50 or so are working.. More soon as the admins have to turn their servers off for an hour or so and turn them back on to get thier servers listed.


We admins are hop'n that Raven is going to fix this problem soon.


Best thing to do is find some servers you enjoy that have good ping and add them to your favorites. That way if that server gets unlisted and you cant find it then you have it in favoite.




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