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i dont have a stance...wtf?


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i was playing duel mode online, and i went to a area that had no lightsaber stances, but i later found out, there WERE lightsaber stances, allowed. but i couldnt choose one! i binded L to be my stance picker, but it doesnt work. to top it off, there is no red,yellow,blue above my life meter. its blank. i have the gtk(sp) mod OFF and i still get this. wtf is going on???

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Weird... try shifting around a few of your custom .pk3s to a temporary folder or different file extension and try again. Chances are a third party mod, script, model, or whatever is the culprit in this as with so many other errors. :rolleyes:


If that doesn't work, try reinstalling the game to see if that helps. Last resort beyond the frisbee option (and we won't go there....... :p ), but if you must, you must. :(

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