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Lights problem


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did you check the logs? I don't know where jk2 saves them but gtk keeps a log of the last compile you did in windows/temp directory.


there's probably some other error keeping the light stage from happening.

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When I compile with GTK I get an error saying SV_SetBrushModel:NULL(I use JKII radiant but I compiled with GTK to see if it makes any difference). I'll go and check the logs you mentioned now.


1 question: Whats the names of the logs in the temp folder?

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Originally posted by dimi30

When I compile with GTK I get an error saying SV_SetBrushModel:NULL


Have you used csg subtract at all, especially on complicated parts of your map?


1 question: Whats the names of the logs in the temp folder?



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No I have not used CSG Subtract in any part.


Edit: Forget the SV_SetBrushModel:NULL.I fixed it by changing the shader of the sky. Now I got only the light problem. Also in the junk.txt I found something that may be related but I don't understand it.The error is this: Exceeded MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID_ARRAY (1565288 >= 1048576)

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that means your lightmap is too big. :p


Which would definetly cause this problem.. the issue is figuring out what you need to fix.


not using csg subtract fixes a good number of the possibilities.. try running the bobtoolz cleanup thingy to see if any weird brushes are messing things up.


I've never had the problem myself so I can't suggest much on fixing it.

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Well I found some invalid brushes with the cleanup thing however the problem still stays. As I saied before should I upload the map file somewhere(if it makes ppls lifes easier on helping) and post here a link for download(as I saied I got nothing complex to get stolen).

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uh.. wow.


your map is wayyyyy too big.


There's absolutely no reason you should need that much open space in your map.


You need to find a way to keep the player in smaller portions of the map, then set your sky brushes just a few units outside that boundary.


fix that and your compile problems should go away.

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Well I removed some things but now a new problem has arisen. Now when compiling comes to the light stage it just stays there for hours without finishing. I uploaded an updated version of the map with the new problem.

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