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First: u can ask nicely....

second: download Custom Installs Jedi runner...

it is for ppl who basically cant write a script ie; cfg file...

this runner creates all u need fr ur server +gives u prefrences

u want to have in the game..

now after u have the Runner up and going

use RCON to control it...

u can see a good Rcon thred in this forum...

it will get u started..

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Once u use jedi runner it open up the server for u...

basically it opens up the console for u...

from there u need to open the game as u would normally and go to "Join Server " option, and in Source put LOCAL

than when u connect to the server u control it through the Rcon function which u have to have a password for, u can set the password either from Jedi Runner or from The command line in the console itself by doing this "RconPassword <your Pass>"

than the first tme u issue a command u type "rcon <Ur Pass> <command>" and than for the rest of the times u dont have to put the password it will remeber it!

so this should give u an idea of what to do!

what u need to do is to browse this forum and look at threds

put by other ppl who already got the answer for their quetion

which u gonna ask anyways...:o:D

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For some reason when i go to source:local and press refresh, my sever will not come up. My server is running and all yet it wont show up on local, it just says "Getting info for servers..." and stays there. Is it something wrong with the info i had put in jedi runner? where it says IP __________, do i have to put something there? i have been pressing the IP button and it comes up with an IP. help plz!!!!!!:(

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1: Check u have the "show empty" option set to "on"

2: u don't need to specify an IP or Port ,for some reason

when u do , u can't see the server! , don't specify an IP or Port the Sys Will Give u one Auto.

3: Important!!!!!: never but never press the IP button

in JediRunner becuz It gives u your Ip!!! and u dont want that

!!!! just leave Ip empty!

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