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Bullet Time/ Slo Mo on Duel Death?


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I logged into a duel server yesterday that when you where defeated it did the single player bullet time/slo mo effect. This was of course extremely cool, anyone know how I can set this up on my server. Is it a Mod or just a var?



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We have been running it for more than 24 hours with no porblem so far. Its very wierd though, when its goes into slomo everyones pings jump into the 300+ range and you see the disconnection icon flash real fast, then it goes away when back in real time. But no server problems yet, and it looks SWEET.



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"We have been running it for more than 24 hours with no porblem so far. Its very wierd though, when its goes into slomo everyones pings jump into the 300+ range and you see the disconnection icon flash real fast, then it goes away when back in real time. But no server problems yet, and it looks SWEET."


I'm glad it's working for you, I wish it would on mine.:cool:

Have fun

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