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Good Grief (problems with Yavin Water)


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Im getting fancy with water--making complicated water tunnels and the like--and so far it's been hell.


Is it just me--or do alot of the Yavin Water textures dont work? I was so frustrated that I even made a water ref map--with numbered pits of all the water--and I still can't find the one I am looking for: The water used in Raven's Yavin_Swamp level.


The closest thing to it I have found is "yavin/water1_2sided" It has the fog and sorta the same appearance as the Yavin_Swamp water--but it doesn't work right--it looks like a black brush is interefering with it....I wish I could upload screens.


Gee Whiz-- I am very frustrated. If ANYONE knows the name of the water in Yavin_Swamp PLEASE tell me before I go out of my mind.


Yes. I am that close to the edge. The medicine is helping though.

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