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It should make no difference whether I am a newbie or not..it was a simple question. I thought part of the reason forums exist is to help people. As much as I appreiate you answering my post...making me out to be an idiot was not helpful.



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Duckie_two, I genuinely did not mean to talk down with my post. That's why I tried to say in my post to not be offended by my question. It actually does make a difference whether you're just starting off or whether you've played a lot; it's the difference between having a technical problem with the game or just getting used to the key combinations, functions, etc.


I'm not exactly a pro- I play JKII like 2 hours a week. So I'd have no reason to patronize you. If you look through my posts, you'll see that I've asked some pretty basic questions too (ie, "How do I use cheats?")


Sorry if I offended you. No harm intended.

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It was quite a battle I was in and I could really have used that stuff...but no reason to take it out on you. As I said I do appreciate you answering. As it is I am on my way to Desan..(if I can find my way)

I am not an expert either, but maybe not quite a newbie...I guess I fall somewhere in between....


Thanks again Darth_Joha.




P.S. just how many females in here are playing this game?

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