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JK2 runs poorly in MP...


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I've noticed that JK2 runs pretty damn poorly in Multiplayer with more than one bot. Here are my system specs if anyone can tell me what could be the potential reason for the poor performance.


Athlon 1.67ghz (AthlonXP 2000+)

512mb DDR RAM

128mb GeForce3 Ti200


Running JK2 at 1024x768 with all settings on max (my system should be able to run it perfectly considering its only the Quake 3 engine...)

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I'm talking about running Botmatches, offline. Online games would be a lost cause for me as I have a 56k, so I just play botmatches. I would understand poor performance caused by lag, but offline it should run perfectly...


Bizarrely Jedi Knight 2 runs worse than the system hog known as Morrowind...

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I don't understand the poor performance in MP either, although my machine is older, it gets like 80 FPS or so in Quake III for the most part, but then if I try to play an offline bot game, I can only play 4-way with a decent framerate (hovering around high 20's and low 30's).


I assume it's because of the higher texture levels, and more detailed textures, but I think that it's really because the Hidden Surface Removal is crap, and the game is obviously a CPU hog--not dissing the game, but I think they should still be able to increase the performance.


I've tried games with like 9 bots and myself, and I get like 8FPS even if EVERYTHING is turned down and the game starts looking worse than Dark Forces 2:JK, go figure.


I don't know, for some reason the game seems to be using the CPU a lot more than the GPU.

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This is normal, the reason the game runs slower with bots is because the bot AI takes up a huge amount of resources, it constantly processes routes and other commands that really eat the framerate. I can play jk2 MP online and average a good 70-100fps with 10-14 people in the server, but in an offline botmatch with only 6 bots my framerate goes down to 30-60 fps usually.

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It must be the bot AI then... Despite the AI being pretty damn rubbish (in my opinion) it seems to demand much...


On my previous computer (a P3 450mhz) JK2 ran decently, but not when using bots - I could only have 1-2 bots max if I wanted framerates above 15...


It also seems to be partially dependant on level - as 'Bespin Streets' runs poorly with 4 bots, yet 'Massassi Temple' runs fine with 8...

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