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Insta-Gib server mod

JK Legacy

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to server admin type people:


I made an instakill mod a while ago, but it was clientside so I guess it wasn't that acccessble but now theres a serverside version.


JKii.net havent uploaded it yet, still waiting on it :)


for now it can be downloaded from http://www.thejediknights.com/disruption


its on a Jolt.co.uk server already,


jolt.co.uk - Jedi Knight2 (05) Insta-gib (


and is doing fairly well, stop in and try it if u like :)


Just hoping some of u server admins might like to try it out, let me know if u get a server up... again, its server side, so u only need to install it, any client can connect.


a feature that might interest people is the dismemberment by guns that i added, when killed with the disruptor rifle (only gun, kills with one hit) the player is dismembered. (providing the appropriate dismember cvars are set (g_dismember 100 cg_dismember 100))


Please give it a try :) any other info is on the site, feel free to contact me :)

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